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Two new services companies have chosen REGAIN

Energy savings, quality of environment, clearness, easy access… The many advantages of the Regain Building have not escaped the business leaders who want to locate in the heart of the Lille - Lens - Béthune triangle. The Siziaf is being overwhelmed by all one’s choice to allocate the three building parts which features each one an office space and an other for stock use. The choice fell on companies whose business is in line with the spirit of the building.

Next to ENR Distribution (already introduce in the n°48 of the Park newsletter), we will find other service provision companies like RBG Prestations SAS, specializes in buildings maintenance and refurbishment. Its creator isn’t unknown in the park, because Roger Belval (B of RBG) managed already the companies Telcomat and Rédo-Tech located in the business incubator. (erad more in the n°48 of the park newsletter). Here, he is associate with M. Roger Givers (G of RBG, the R was chosen because of their similar first name) to suggest a refurbishment plan as a result of disasters or a tenant departure for (social) housing landlord and insurance companies. That’s why, they have employed two skilled workers, Mr Givers is taking the part of the sites management, and Mr Belval the commercials, financials, administrative aspects of the company.

But RGB will not be alone in the 600m2 reserved by Mr Belval. He has indeed planified to locate an other new company, Generic Réseau, a R&D department for "dried" networks (telecommunications, CCTV) installations and maintenance, and also the linking of wind-driven, and photovoltaic parks, the power supply for freeways boards, the count and maintenance of terminal emergencies call, … Here like the RBG company, Roger Belval was associate with a professional, Mr Bruno Janowsky, 53 years old who will take part of the technical direction. Three technicians will be employ very soon.

Why he applied for "REGAIN", Roger Belval said he sees the logic to implement his activities related to renewable energy in an exemplary building in this area. But he doesn’t deny that other factors are important, like the excellent access that new benefits the industrial park. However, has a strong advocate of this latter, he feels himself more allowed to regret the lack of competition among providers of broadband access, who don’t want to rely on the local network which exists on the park to put forward attractive offers.

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