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Photovoltaics roofing connected...

Good News : The photovoltaics roofing has been connect to the network.

The 493m2 of Polycristallins photovoltaics panes, which are situated in the south-side with an angle of 21 degree announces a maximal injected power of 63,4kWa to the network.

The SIZIAF has anticipated the process of networking connection with the production central from a long time. The work has began the 29th July 2010 bye ERDF (Electricity Network Distribution France).

Then before the installation of the first occupants, the building produces already a lot of energy which is selling to EDF.

On August only, in spite of a particulary bad weather, the central has produced 7 300 kwh with a sunshine of 420 hours. A good beginning to confirm...

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