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Home > Building Projects > Parc des Industries Artois-Flandres


The SIZIAF building is an element within a much larger project, the creation of the Canal Business Park, developed over 12 hectares in the heart of the Artois Flandres Industrial Estate, and dedicated to businesses in the service sector. This park will be designed in accordance with sustainable principles, with a strong emphasis on landscaping.

The REGAIN building will be the first to be constructed in the Canal Business Park. It will accommodate 3 businesses in the service sector, providing 600 sq.m total accommodation divided equally among office, studio/workshop/storage and a flexible space which can be used for any of these uses.

For SIZIAF, the creation of a sustainable building must achieve 3 objectives :
• High environmental standards in relation to insulation, renewable energy and eco materials.

• Fitness for purpose for the occupants (ease of use, appropriateness of the environmental approach etc.).

• Ability to duplicate cost-effectively for any building wishing to locate in the Business Park and in the wider Nord-pas de Calais region.


To design an innovative building, SIZIAF’s approach has been equally innovative. The brief has been defined by a team of 3 architectural practices. The idea is to draw upon the experience of architects with expertise in the design of sustainable building, to define an innovative building in terms of environmental, social and economic performance.

There are two main environmental principles for the building :
• Very good energy performance

• To reflect the current global environmental concerns (bioclimatic design, environmentally-friendly materials).

The initial idea described a building with low energy consumption (+/- 50kWh/sq.m/year), a predetermined budget, then SIZIAF wanted to go further by integrating a photovoltaic roof, transforming the building into a ‘positive energy building’ (i.e. One which generates more energy than it consumes).

The overall principle is to choose environmentally-friendly materials, i.e those with low embodied energy.

Video Library

1st Regain Seminar
1 July 2010

The 5th and 6th May 2010 at the Artois-Flandres Industrial Park - Douvrin

Qu’est-ce que Regain ? - What is Regain ?
21 May 2011

Introduction movie of the Regain project with a short presentation of the four Pilots and the six Partners

Recent news

4th "Pro" Day of the french Building in Douvrin
26 September 2011
It’s been a little over a year since the last brick of the french REGAIN building has been put.... Lire la suite
Two new services companies have chosen REGAIN
1 July 2011
Energy savings, quality of environment, clearness, easy access… The many advantages of the... Lire la suite
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