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7 November 2012

Feedback of a European transnational Programme REGAIN is supported by the Interreg IV B ENO programme and is the result of a collaboration between Belgian, French, Scottish, Welsh and Italian...

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REGAIN final Seminar
Feedback of a European transnational Programme REGAIN is supported by the Interreg IV B ENO programme and is the result of a collaboration between Belgian, French, Scottish, Welsh and Italian partners. The BEP is the project leader. REGAIN is searching by the exemplary nature to cheer the investors to build or to refurbish some Industrial Buildings with high energy performances. Four Pilot Buildings were built in 3 countries, with 2 expert partners. The REGAIN project is coming at the... b lire
2nd Regain Seminar
Blaenau Gwent County will soon host the second International Seminar of the REGAIN program b lire
1st Regain Seminar
The Artois-Flandres industrial Park was created in 1967 to develop a 460 ha industrial park following the reconversion of the coal industry. In order to promote employment durability and existing and upcoming economical activities on site, the elected representatives of the structure that manages the industrial park have been carrying out actions to protect the environment for more than 20 years. The creation of the environmental management system in 2003 that led to its ISO14001... b lire
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