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Home > Building Projects > BEP - Namur


The REGAIN building will offer +/- 1.000 m² floor surface, 1/3 dedicated to an industrial hall and 2/3 dedicated to office spaces.

The project focuses on an integrated management of environmental concerns and energy. Its definition and design have been organised in an integrated way : all the technical expertise had been gathered in one group, comprising the architect, the engineers and its specialized contractors (HVAC and passive house specialists), the academic advisor and the REGAIN project manager.
Even though this method seems to be obviously good practice, it is not often used in the building industry where each specialist work alone and coordination is often too minimal.


The REGAIN building will be located in the Scientific Park Crealys, that has recently been ISO 14001 certified. ISO 140001 Certification shows the ambitions in terms of sustainable development and sound management of the park.

The REGAIN building will be located next to the main entrance of the park, and will be highly visible. It will be in front of the service center (cafeteria, postal service, ..) offering easy and pedestrian access to this equipment.

Video Library

Regain Inauguration - BEP Building
18 February 2011

The BEP’s Regain Building Inauguration embedded at the Créalys Park

REGAIN Building Site Namur
20 March 2010

The beginning of the REGAIN building Site


Recent news

Current State - BEP Regain Building
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REGAIN building inauguration
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