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3rd Pro Day of the BEP

We begins the last step to the perfections of the building. The Company does everything to finish the building for Christmas.

This is the finals decisions for technical choices, with the concentrate technical management, to follow-up the consumptions, ...

The 3rd Pro day has known a great success. Essentially, it talks about theses specials technicals.

Mr Pierre Hanuise, reserarch department engineer G.E.I. of Drogenbos has made a presentation about the "made special technicals" with this building.

Mr Jean-Marie Hauglustaine, ULg-FS-DSGE professor spokes about the "Inner climate of the environmental performences of buildings"

Mr Jean Le Landais from the Swegon society talked about the "rotative VMC of workshops"

In the same time of these inside constructions, the access are in the way to achievement.

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