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Regain pilot begins its last lap !

The building site of the BEP Regain pilot begins its last lap, now the perfections should be finished.

Indeed, according to the technical requirements specifications, a weatherproof test has been realized Monday 11th October for both parts of the building.

The tests have been produced with a Ventilator fit out a Manometer with a relentless adjustable rotate speed, which attains at the least 7.500m3/h of capacity with a pressure difference of 50Pa.

A maximum air renewal was required :

• 1 time the protected volume/hour (workshop part) – low energy building standard

• 0,6 time the protected volume/houre (offices part) – passiv Building standard

The results are excellent !

For the workshop part, the Air renewal rating is 0,78 air volume/hours, so a 20% gain.
For the offices part, this rating is 0,45 air volume/hours, so a 25% gain.

This step was made with success, the inner wall coating begins !

In the same way, the surroundings coating have began, the crane also has taked apart, to lay out the visitor’s parking.

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