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The construction of the BEP pilot...

The construction of the BEP pilot, in the CREALYS Science Park, is continuing at a sustained pace, in spite of a small delay due to a problem with a subcontractor (the construction is entrusted to a general contractor, which subcontracts the execution of certain specific jobs).

The shell of the building is in phase of finalization. The finishing works and the HVAC will start soon. The delivery date of the building is fixed on November 15th.

Besides, being inspired by the dynamics impulsed by the SIZIAF, the BEP pilot building has welcomed two “PRO Days” : the first one was dedicated to the conception of the building, the second to the questions of airtightness and insulation. These days were quite successful (60 professional participants each day). The third day, dedicated to the special techniques (HVAC), will be organized on October 12th.

The rent has been determined and the first prospects interested in renting a cell in the building have asked for more information.

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