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Last Newsletter


12 July 2011

The Blaenau Gwent pilot REGAIN building is currently under construction. The design and development process was quite long and complex. It has changed its site location five times, and its...

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July 2011
12 July 2011
The Blaenau Gwent pilot REGAIN building is currently under construction. The design and development process was quite long and complex. It has changed its site location five times, and its orientation twice. The final version Gaining Planning consent for the building was also complicated because of restrictions of the site masterplan. The global financial crisis created huge difficulties for the masterplan in terms of development phasing and timescales. To allow any developments to... b lire
January 2011
2 January 2011
2010 - 2011 - REGAIN - TRANSITION TO THE BIRTH ! “Buildings... Women and Men...” All the members of the program REGAIN present you with their best wishes for year 2011. Wishes of sustainable development for us Humans, for the Energy given to our constructions ! We are half way through the program ! The French building (Siziaf - Parc des industries Artois Flandres) came out of the ground last spring... "It’s now learning to walk !" The Belgian building (BEP - Parc Crealys) is coming to an end... b lire
October 2010
16 October 2010
The inauguration of the building and the arrival of a first tenant, user of the building, mark a new step in the REGAIN program. After the "conception" phase, the "construction" phase, we’re moving onto the "evaluation" phase with the implementation of all measuring equipments by the University of Science of Artois during October. Now is also the right time to take a first look back on the modalities of the construction of a low energy consumption building. • It is essential that the... b lire
September 2010
10 September 2010
Start of the school year for REGAIN, which comes back with a Newsletter prepared by our partner PALME and widely disseminated ! The school year 2010-2011 will be more English-speaking than French speaking. Indeed, the past year saw the finalization of the SIZIAF pilot, in France (in May, 2010) with the first international seminar held inside the brand new building, as well as the starting up of the BEP pilot, in Wallonia - the building is now more than 50% completed. But the partners of... b lire
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