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Siziaf, electricity producer

For an equivalent cost of construction, the SIZIAF has built a low consumption building where electricity consumption, with 59 kWh / m2 / year, will almost be lower than half of the consumption of a "classic" building.

One of the aims of Regain being to be duplicated, this is an argument which could hit the bull’s eye !

But the SIZIAF pushed its "solar" logic all the way by making of Regain one of the first "positive energy " industrial building in France, it’s means that it will produce more energy than it will consume (at least twice as much).

This small miracle was made possible by the integration of 500 m2 of photovoltaic panels on the roof. These will produce 97 MWh a year, which will be sold to ERDF (national distributor electricity), generating annual incomes of approximately 50 000 €; from which will only be deducted the cost of maintenance. This estimation will be verified by the evaluation of the building’s performance which will be realized after the first year of operation.

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