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Measurement of low carbon...

Measurement of low carbon building performance student placement project

During the summer months SETIC has engaged a student to undertake the following
project both to help specify suitable measurement sensors and logging systems so that data are available to indicate the performance of the building before and after conversion and to develop a methodology to allow the building energy performance to be assessed independently of ambient conditions.

The objectives of the student placement were:

1. To identify the measurements which must be made

2. To gather historical data which can be used as a pre-project datum

3. To specify suitable instrumentation and logging systems to record the required data

4. To develop a method of assessing the building’s energy performance which is not influenced by ambient conditions.

5. To determine the impact of energy recovery from heat rejection and electrical outputs from test rigs in the ETC

The selected student, Ellen Upton, is currently studying for an MSc in Carbon Management at
the University of Glasgow and has previously worked for the RSK Group, an environmental
consultancy, specialising in carbon footprinting.

Building Warrant Approval

This week SETIC has received the necessary Building Warrants for the REGAIN refurbishment. This, in UK, is the technical approval from the Local Authority to proceed with the building phase of the project. This approval contains a number of changes that we now will require to formalize with our proposed Contractors. The Tender process is now also nearing completion with the list reduced to 2 companies currently finalizing their tender price to account for these amendments.

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