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SB Methodology & BAT list

SB Methodology :

The SB methodology development has arrived to its conclusion, with a tool that will be soon available to all partners to be used for the evaluation in all the phases of construction and monitoring of the building performances.

Two assessment tools have been produced, based on the assessment criteria list chosen and weighted with the partners, one for Central Europe (to be used in Belgium and France) and one for the United Kingdom (to be used in Scotland and Wales).

The final tools allow maximum user flexibility: for region-specific criteria, the partners can input the performance scales as appropriate for their climate and context, while also being able of deactivating any inapplicable criterion.

The complete files allow the partners to input the standard benchmarks of their region and then compare the performance of their design to each of such standards, while automatically calculating the final performance score of the building.

Analysis of local BAT (Best Available Technologies) :

BAT analysis has to be completed by partners on the basis of the following framework:
(GREEN=template already available)

Solar spot system Cogetherm® block Nanogel/aerogel Mineral wool bricks
Recycled Cellulose flocks Solar wall Steam barriers Composite insulated roof panels
Solar wall Green roofs Free cooling Insulated clay blocks
Led light Water recovery system Building ventilation Double glazed timber windows
Thermal solar systems Wood fibre insulation blocks Air heating systems Aluminium curtain walling
Hooked wood fibre

A technical template for each BAT will be available, to be filled with informations about availability and market conditions in each partner’s region.

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