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REGAIN program introduction

On November 26th 2010, The REGAIN project has been introduced to a french delegation which comes from Montpellier, as part of the E.E.N Program...

EEN means "Enterprise Europe Network". This is a new European Network created on January 2008 as part of the 2008-2013 program fort competitiveness and invention.

During a mission of companies E.E.N. coordinated on November 26th, which aims to create some partnerships between Wallon’s and Montpellier’s companies in the Green Building sector. Olivier GRANVILLE has explained the REGAIN project and described the High Energy Performance Building of CREALYS.

The French Montpellier’s delegation was composed of 13 businesses, and 6 institutions (24 persons), whose :

- Christophe Moralès : Vice-president of the Montpellier’s Metropolitan area and municipal advisor of Montpellier

- Louis Pouget : President of the ACM (which supervises 30.000 socials accomodations) and municipal advisor of Montpellier

- Yves Nurit : Chief Operating Officer of the Montpellier’s Metropolitan area

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