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Extension of the Regain project

10 April 2014

An extension of the REGAIN project has just begun to sensitize a wider audience with new actions, which show with their exemplarity that it’s important to build hight energy performance buildings...

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RegioStars 2011 - The Awards for regional innovative Projetcs
23 August 2010
The Regain project contends to the RegioStars 2011, which identifies and rewards innovative projects and good practices in regional development, which could be attractive and inspiring to other... Lire la suite
NWE Improved Joint Signature
18 August 2010
The INTERREG IVB NWE Improves its logo with the slogan "Investing in Opportunities". You can use these new files for your future communication actions but you don’t need to replace them in the... Lire la suite
1st REGAIN Seminar Film
1 July 2010
After the first REGAIN seminar which takes place the last 5th & 6th May at the Artois-Flandres Industrial Park, we put forward a global vision of the Seminar in... Lire la suite
Pictures of the 1st Pro Day at the BEP
23 June 2010
The first "Pro Day" organised by the Namur Economic Bureau took place on Wednesday, 16th June 2010". Discover the event in some pictures... Lire la suite
Movie presentation "What is Regain ? "
21 June 2010
Come and discover the REGAIN Program in pictures describes by all partner’s Project. This movie has been presenting during the 1st REGAIN Seminar at the Parc des Industries... Lire la suite
1st "Pro" Day at the Namur Economic Bureau
31 May 2010
The Namur Economic Bureau invite you to the first "Pro" Day the 16th June 2010 around the theme : Bioclimatic Architecture and building materials. Here you can find the leaflet. The BEP and the... Lire la suite
1st REGAIN Seminar - Parc des Industries Artois Flandres
10 May 2010
The 1st European Regain Seminar was at the Parc des Industries Artois-Flandres, on Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th May 2010. The program was a global presentation of the project around a meeting... Lire la suite
Regain Building Site Namur
20 March 2010
Some pictures of the REGAIN building site of the Bureau Economique de la Province de Namur (Belgique) build in the Créalys Park. Lire la suite

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