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Extension of the Regain project

10 April 2014

An extension of the REGAIN project has just begun to sensitize a wider audience with new actions, which show with their exemplarity that it’s important to build hight energy performance buildings...

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Regain pilot begins its last lap !
15 October 2010
The building site of the BEP Regain pilot begins its last lap, now the perfections should be finished. Indeed, according to the technical requirements specifications, a weatherproof test has... Lire la suite
Selection of Contractor & Links with Colleges
14 October 2010
The selection of the Contractor is drawing towards the end of the process and SETIC hope to have appointed our successful Contractor in next days. The Contractors are being judged not only on... Lire la suite
NWE Annual Event 2010
12 October 2010
This year, INTERREG IVB North West Europe is organising its annual conference with a focus on Innovation in Manchester (UK) on 6th and 7th December... This is the perfect opportunity for the NWE... Lire la suite
The construction of the BEP pilot...
7 September 2010
The construction of the BEP pilot, in the CREALYS Science Park, is continuing at a sustained pace, in spite of a small delay due to a problem with a subcontractor (the construction is entrusted... Lire la suite
Photovoltaics roofing connected...
4 September 2010
Good News : The photovoltaics roofing has been connect to the network. The 493m2 of Polycristallins photovoltaics panes, which are situated in the south-side with an angle of 21 degree announces... Lire la suite
Measurement of low carbon...
3 September 2010
Measurement of low carbon building performance student placement project During the summer months SETIC has engaged a student to undertake the following project both to help specify suitable... Lire la suite
The Blaenau Gwent project is in the the starting blocks !
1 September 2010
The Blaenau Gwent project is in the the starting blocks ! The contractor has been chosen, the detail design has been finalized, a revised tender price has been accepted following several... Lire la suite
Next Steering Committee
25 August 2010
The next steering committee for the regain project development will be at Blaenau Gwent in Wales on October, the 21st 2010. We use the occasion to emphasized the Wales... Lire la suite

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