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Extension of the Regain project

10 April 2014

An extension of the REGAIN project has just begun to sensitize a wider audience with new actions, which show with their exemplarity that it’s important to build hight energy performance buildings...

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Regain website is refurbished
9 September 2011
When the Welsh building comes to the end, the Regain program’s website knows a real renewal, by providing more dynamic and homogeneous content, including a new section used only for the... Lire la suite
Two new services companies have chosen REGAIN
1 July 2011
Energy savings, quality of environment, clearness, easy access… The many advantages of the Regain Building have not escaped the business leaders who want to locate in the heart of the Lille - Lens... Lire la suite
Current State - BEP Regain Building
29 June 2011
Today, here are the businesses located in Regain : Wagralim : Food industry Cluster, which inhabits 3 offices. I Star Medical : business which is specializes in vision care, and "new... Lire la suite
Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council Web Spot
27 June 2011
For the Next Regain International Seminar which will take place at Blaenau Gwent (Wales), we advise a short video spot about the redevelopment project of the Blaenau Gwent Site : "The Works".... Lire la suite
Blaenau Gwent’s REGAIN Building - State of progress
23 May 2011
With the Internet live camera feed, you can watch the state of progress of the Wales building on the REGAIN website, in real time. The pictures is updated every 15 minutes. Click here to... Lire la suite
REGAIN building inauguration
28 March 2011
The power structure of this passive and low energy incubator is a part of an European Interreg IVB project, named REGAIN, which bring together 5 partners (French, Welsh, Scottish, and Italian )... Lire la suite
Blaenau Gwent’s site is set up !
7 March 2011
The site is set up and the building is set out on site. In the following photographs, we can see that the corners of the building are indicated by blue wooden pegs sticking out of the ground.... Lire la suite
BEP - State of progress of the building
24 January 2011
The perfections are in progress, the temporary reception of the construction site is planned on January 25th. Seen the exceptional weather conditions of this winter, there was a little of delay... Lire la suite

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