Phase 1 : Evaluation CriteriaSBTool allows the assessor to choose the criteria under which the evaluation and monitoring of the building will be structured. These criteria can be categorised under the following headings :
Phase 2 : Benchmarking and IndicatorsThe next phase is the establishment of a series of reference values for evaluating each of the criteria. As the reference conditions are different (because each building is unique) one must include a benchmarking phase, i.e. research of guide values which lead to evaluation of the chosen criteria. These guide values, which are determined by local laws and regulations, based on minimums for local construction and technical standards, and on scientific and other literature; form the basis of benchmarking. |
Phase 3 : Defining the Objectives and EvaluationOnce the aforementioned values have been established, the assessor will establish which results to obtain for each of the criteria, for example to get the best overall score across all categories, or to prioritise particular ones. |