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Final seminar of the European project Regain

The REGAIN project is coming at the end: the BEP and its partners are pleased to invite you to a closing seminar in order to inform you about the results of the project.

An european project

REGAIN is supported by the Interreg IV B ENO programme and is the result of a collaboration between Belgian, French, Scottish, Welsh and Italian partners. The BEP is the project leader. REGAIN is searching by the exemplary nature to cheer the investors to build or to refurbish some Industrial Buildings with high energy performances. Four Pilot Buildings were built in 3 countries, with 2 expert artners.

The REGAIN project is coming at the end: the BEP and its partners are pleased to invite you to a closing seminar in order to inform you about the results of the project but also to discuss about the management of technical rules for higher energy efficiency in buildings.

In addition, the seminar will inform you about the first results of the Interreg IV B project “Envireo”, which REGAIN has a part in.

Date : 6/12/2012 de 8:30 am à 6:30 pm

Prix : Free but please register online before 30th November 2012

Type de l’événement : Séminaire d’information

Lieu : Namur Congrès (Place d’Armes, 1 – 5000 Namur)

Cible : Entreprises de la filière bois, Entreprises de la Filière Ecoconstruction, Entreprises de la filière Environnement, Entreprises du parc Ecolys, Professionnels du secteur de la construction et du bâtiment

Organisateur : BEP and his partners on program Regain

Que faire pour participer ? Register online before 30th November 2012

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