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Home > Partners > Parc des Industries Artois-Flandres (FR)

Parc des Industries Artois-Flandres (FR)

Address: Parc des Industries Artois Flandres, 64 rue M Cabiddu,


Phone :

Website : www.parcdesindustries.com


The « Syndicat Mixte » SIZIAF is a local authority that develops, commercialise and manage the Artois-Flandres industrial Park located on Douvrin and Billy-Berlcau’s territory in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region.

The Artois-Flandres industrial Park was created towards the end of the sixties anticipating the conversion of the mining industry and is today the largest industrial park in Pas-de-calais (460 ha). The industrial park regroups about sixty companies that represent over 6,000 workers.

In order to encourage the durability of actual and future employment and economical activities on site, the elected representatives of the SIZIAF have decided to carry out actions to preserve and enhance the environment for more than 20 years on the Artois-Flandres industrial Park.

ISO 14001 certified since 2004, this sustainable development reasoning relies on the following objectives:

  • Offer pleasing surroundings and lifestyle to the companies
  • Preserve the natural environment
  • Contribute to improving our partners’ environmental performance (companies and contractors)

projet batiment Parc des Industries Artois-Flandres

Bioclimatic - Solar Wall - Pumice stone - Positive energy - Wooden framework - performance evaluation - green spaces creation

acces fiches


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